
  1. Peach (pitted and chopped)-5 nos
  2. Lemon juice-from 1 large
  3. Sugar to taste( I used almost 7 tbsp)
  4. Water- 1 cup
  5. Club soda/Sparkling water


  • In a blender puree the peaches.Run the puree through a fine mesh sieve extracting as much juice as possible and keep aside.
  • In a sauce pan bring water and sugar to boil.Simmer  over low flame until sugar is completely dissolved,stirring occasionally.Allow it to cool.
  • Add peach puree and lemon juice to the sugar syrup.Mix well and refrigerate the concentrate until chilled.
  • To serve fill 1/4 th of  a  glass with the peach lemonade concentrate and fill with club soda /sparkling water .
  • Garnish with mint sprigs if desired.

Sending this to
 Monthly mingle: stone fruit event hosted by Sukaina of sips and spoonfuls
Any one can cook event at Taste of pearl city
Tutorial Tuesday at Hope studios
Friday night drinks  at foodness gracious